Today I am teaching you how to make a funny(but completely harmless) computer virus.
So for the virus.
Start "Notepad".
Input these words:
- @echo off
- insert echo message here
- shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "Put message here"
Any text in quotations will appear on your shutdown message, so choose a good message.
Go to File, then Save As.
Name your file, then change .txt to .bat
Change the bar below it from Text Document to All Files.
Save it.
Right-click that file, then go to properties.
Click change icon.
Change the icon to something that will fool the user.
Click apply when you have chosen a icon.
When you open the file, a command prompt will quickly open then close.
The shutdown message will appear.
30 seconds later, your computer will shut down.
--1337_Derpfish, the leet haxer.
See ya guys next time.